jeudi, juin 28, 2007


Ça fait bien longtemps que j'ai donné des nouvelles de mes minets adorés. Ils vont bien. Aujourd'hui, Princesse fait une infection à l'oeil. Je compte acheter un onguent antibiotique cet après-midi et commencer le traitement.... Pauvre petite. Je vous en redonnerai des nouvelles...

It has been a long time since I've given you news about my adorable kitties! They are fine but today, Princesse has an eye infection. I will buy an antibiotic ointment this afternoon and begin a treatment tonight... Poor baby... I will keep you posted!

J'espère qu'elle va retrouver ses magnifiques yeux bleus!
I hope she will have her nice blue eyes back soon....

Merlin est toujours aussi mignon. Là, il fait la tête du "Chat Potté" de Sherk! :)

Merlin is cute, as always. Here he is trying to mimic the "Puss'nBoots" from Shrek! :)

La semaine dernière, il a visité mon réfrégirateur... La chaleur sans doute... Il voulait se mettre au frais...Hhehhehe...

Last week, he has visited my fridge... Was the heat responsible? I don't think so! He was just looking for trouble!!! Hhehehehe....

18 commentaires:

Anonymous a dit...

Hhehehhehheee naughty Merlin! Plus poor Princesse! I hope her eyes are as blue as they used to be as fast as possible!!

merlinprincesse a dit...

Her eye is better today. When I came back from work with the antibiotic last night, it was already better. I did not have to use it... :) Her immune system is taking care of her!
Anon, if you take a look on the fridge, there is a pic with my 3 aunts! Auntie Rita is in the middle! :)

Anonymous a dit...

That is good news about Princesse!
I am wondering what your new pet Gertrude might evolve into ... Also, there needs to be more icecream in your freezer!

merlinprincesse a dit...

Nope! No ice cream in my freezer.... I would eat it! :( In fact, I am not a fan of ice cream...Hheheheh... :) Gertrude is a BAT!!! Have you tried clicking on her and feeding her with the fly? Hours of pure fun1!!! :)))))

Anonymous a dit...

I went batty clicking on Gertrude but couldn't find a fly!

merlinprincesse a dit...

MORE is the answer! :)

Anonyme a dit...

Heureuse d'apprendre que Princesse a toujours ces beaux yeux ensorceleurs!..Merlin ressemble à un furet qui vient de déouvrir un trésor!.. Aaahhh...C'est là que tu caches ton or et tes diamants?.. J'ai tout de suite reconnu la photo!. A gauche, Clo, Gene et Jeanne?. Ritabisous.

HELLO ANON, I love my new pet becauce my new pet is toujours my préféré and I love Gertrude because she is my new pet and my new pet is Gertrude !.. For the fly, you have to meet JEFFY..Hehee!

merlinprincesse a dit...

Oui, ce sont bien maman, Clo et Geneviève! :)
There is no more Jeffy..... He died with my old blogger....:(

CanadianSwiss a dit...

Bonjour toi! Merlin me fait rire, mais Dale n'ôserait plus faire des cabriolles comme ça (de peur de tomber) et j'espère que Princesse va mieux. Bisous!

merlinprincesse a dit...

Princesse va très bien, Sandra! Son petit oeil s'est bien rétabli. Quant à Merlin, il grimpe partout, ce qu'il ne faisait jamais avant. Il a découvert le plaisir de fouiller partout gràce à cette chipie de Princesse..... :)

Anonymous a dit...

Can I kill Gertrude by over feeding her? Princesse is completely healed now I trust.

merlinprincesse a dit...

Yes, Mademoiselle Princesse is indeed completely healed and pestier than ever...Hhehehhe. And there no such thing as "too much feeding" in the virtual world, Anon! :)

Anonymous a dit...

Hhehhheheeee "feeding" hehhehhheheeeeee.

merlinprincesse a dit...

OMG! Anon has become crazynonymous! :)

Kim de Young a dit...

Meouw Purrr! I think Peter and Prancer are in love with Princesse! She is so pretty, nice to hear her eye is better.

merlinprincesse a dit...

Meow to your cats! From Mademoiselle Princesse! :)

Ces Adorio a dit...

What a beautiful cat! Lovely eyes. How did he open the freezer door?

merlinprincesse a dit...

He didn't, Ces! I did, turned my back and there he was.... sniffing and sniffing! I just took the pic then put him back on the floor! :)