Qu'est-ce que c'est?
What is that?
Je ne suis qu'un pauvre Tigrou de plastique déguisé en Porcinet...
I am only a poor plastic Tigger disguised in Piglet!
Tous ça me semble bien appétissant!
Seems yummy to me!
Pouah! Pas si bon après tout!
Burk! Not so good after all!
Note: Aucun Tigrou n'a été maltraité durant cette prise de vue.
Note: No Tigger has been mistreated during this shooting.
BAD Merlin
Voyons donc voir ce qu'il y a à manger ici!
Let's see what I can eat here!
Maman! Y a rien à bouffer!!!!!
Mommy! There's nothing to eat!!!!!
15 commentaires:
Je suis d'accord avec Merlin. Il est bien triste, ton frigo à l'intérieur. Mais je vois qu tu fais le recyclage d'alu! Bonne Maman! :)
Je fais le recyclage d'alu, de métal, de papier de plastique!!! :)
Mon frigo, c'est juste avant d'aller faire le marché...Hhehe! :)
There is NOTHING to eat!?!
Nope, Anon! Believe me..... You see, not even a fried mousie! I've lost at least 0.000765 grams in 127 days..... MEOOOOOWWWWW!!! Can I go live in Australia? :D
I'm afraid Jack would peck your eyes out Merlin ... :(
oh god. i spent five minutes laughing before i could even TYPE.
You meeeeeeeen meeeeeeeen person...starving your cats! imagine how tasty jack would be....
I might put some pepper on Jack's feathers as a precaution just in case the napping cat wakes up!
ANON!!!!! I never eat my buddies! And Jack is one of them!!! };-}
You are a good public, Catnap! :)My cats are spoiled with CAT FOOD!!! Not human food.... :) Hhehehe.... I don't know why Merlin is always wanting to go in the fridge.... He has the fridgsymdrom, I guess...Hhehhehe! Amd Mademoiselle is always chewing on plastic things..... I must hide all the bags when I come from some shopping or..... chewchewchewvomittt!!!!
Hhehehe! Anon, we all love Jack and would never do any harm to him... He's such a cutie! :))) When I'll go visit ( in one or 2 centuries) I promise I won't bring the cats! :))))
Maybe you can help me in how to keep Jack out of the fridge. He likes it in there too! :)
Merlin likes to have his belly full just like my piggy Peter. Dahlia likes plastic too, and we can not leave ear plugs out or they are soon chewed to bits.
Meowry Christmas kitties!
Anon! It's simple... Close the door! :)))) But check before to see if Jack is inside...Hheheh.
Maybe plastic is a female thing... My siamese may be frustrated...hehhehehe.... :)
This is hilarious! You really captured the whole scenario. Your photos are so wonderful, it seems like you have made lots of opportunities to capture animals and you do it so beautifully. The aerial view of Banff is amazing!!! Hope you are having lots of fun!
Yay! Great pics! Cute cat photos really get me.
Thank you, Valerie! I am certainly having lots of fun with Merlin and Princesse. They do all kind of BAD things...hehehhee... :)
As they do for me, Andrea! :)
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