mardi, décembre 27, 2005


La première fois que j'ai vu Merlin, c'était un chat errant. Et il n'était pas très propre... C'était un chat toujours sur le qui-vive! Après l'avoir adopté, j'ai été très surprise de voir que OUI, Merlin se lavait!!!!
First time I saw Merlin, he was a stray cat. Not very clean. Afraid. After having adopted him, I was very surprised to see that YES, Merlin was grooming himself!

30 commentaires:

Clo a dit...

Sauf les oreilles...
But the ears...
P.S. Et en plus on dirait qu'il a de la neige dans les oreilles... :O)
P.P.S. Chouette d'avoir enfin une identité de blogueuse! :OD
P.P.P.S. Super belle photo! :oO

merlinprincesse a dit...

ps merci
pps merci
ppps merci :o)

Hellcat a dit...

Wonders never cease.

Mei Shile a dit...

Peut-être qu'il avait enfin le temps de le faire sans s'inquiéter de ce qui pouvait sortir du buisson à côté :-o

merlinprincesse a dit...

Yes, Hellcat, my Merlin is such a good cat. He's almost like a dog, following me everywhere and being very kind with everybody, even the 3 little girls that were takink him in their arms. (Now they are teens, ouf!)
Mei: C'était exactement ça. Cela a pris plusieurs semaines avant qu'il relaxe un peu... :o)

Hellcat a dit...

There IS hope then!

Unknown a dit...

What's a cute kitty!! OOOOH!!! Sooo sweet!

The Unknown a dit...

Grooming?! I just want to lick myself! Is that so wrong?!

merlinprincesse a dit...

Hellcat: Yep, hope. But remember this is Merlin the Hoot Kat. He can eat you anytime...
Alina: Yep he's a cutie!
The Unknown: That's true. The were turkey perfume on his little paw!

merlinprincesse a dit...

The were... Mhahahahaha! There was!

Hellcat a dit...

Agree there is something wrong with Unknown there!

Queen Tut a dit...

What a gorgeous cat! Happy new year to you!

merlinprincesse a dit...

Hellcat: I think we are all a bit crazy :o) But I love that!!!!
Queen: Hi! and welcome on my blog! Happy New Year to you toooooo!

Anonymous a dit...

Too crazy to taste beyond ice-cream? Hhahheheheeeeee

merlinprincesse a dit...

Anon: Beyond Ice Cream???? WAs talking about TURKEY PERFUME girl!

TheTart a dit...

Bring that sweet kitty over to lap up icecream with my little tabby!

Happy New Year to you and yours!

The Tart

Anonymous a dit...

You seem to be thinking ice-cream when looking at my apples? Must be all that snow ...

merlinprincesse a dit...

Jody: Sweet kitty is already overfed...:o)
Anonymous: Snow? What snow? I'm in the pool with champagne and caviar and the sun is shining. *cry*

Anonymous a dit...

Don't cry .... seems we have had too much of a good thing and are now in fire season. Fires surround Sydney and helicopters have taken the water from the pool. Feel better now?

merlinprincesse a dit...

Thanks Anonymous. You are a Lady. Hope the water will soon be back in your pool. And take a good swimming for me (this is the only sport I can practice now). I used to be such a great swimmer... But I still love to be in the POOL. I will have my summer too... In 6 months. And for now, I will drink a glass of wine and make a toast to ya and all your family.! (Even Hellcat)... :o)

Hellcat a dit...

Changed my mind };-}

merlinprincesse a dit...

About what you son of a b...oups sorry.....Daughter of a something anyway. *yawn*

Hellcat a dit...

Crying will melt the snow! };-}

merlinprincesse a dit...

I would have to cry a lot dear... And that's exactly what I'm going to do..... *snif*

Anonymous a dit...

Glad the sun is shining again :)

Hellcat a dit...

NO she isn't!

merlinprincesse a dit...

Hellkat, I loooooove you. Mwahahahahahahahahaha!
No I don't.... *teehee*
Don't meow like that...I do, even if you are a very very very bad cat.

Hellcat a dit...


merlinprincesse a dit...

Hellcat: Gee! Thanks!!!!

Hellcat a dit...

No problem.