vendredi, décembre 16, 2005


Voici un membre très actif de C.A.: Chats Anonymes...

This is a very active member of C.A.: Cats Anonymous...

13 commentaires:

WCTs a dit...

LOL, what a great shot.

What is in that bag a furry creatures asks, hmmmmmm?

We are adding you to our blog roll!!

The Whippy Curly Tails in the Toasty South


merlinprincesse a dit...

Nothing in the bag... She's always doing this. Funny Catgirl!

TheTart a dit...

What is it with the bag gig...silly furries.

Your posts are fun!

The Tart

merlinprincesse a dit...

A smooochmew just for you from Mademoiselle Princesse! And thanks for the nice comment!

valerie walsh a dit...

i love this!

Anonyme a dit...

Ahhhhhhhhh! Prinsotte rides again...

Hellcat a dit...

THAT IS ME and I am far too attractive to put my head in a bag!

merlinprincesse a dit...

Anonymouse: Hellkat is sooooooo pretentious!Mpfffff.

josep-manel a dit...

Hi Merlin.
Your " pets collection" is very, very nice.This cat think that it's invisible ;-)
Do you would meet my pets? Visit:
and for watch my other photos.
I'll add a link to your blog.
Merry Xmas from Barcelona.
pd. I'm sorry my English is very bad.

vfm4 a dit...

great... :-)

Catnapping a dit...

this photo is PRICELESS.

laughing out loud!


merlinprincesse a dit...

Dibuixat: Good English. I love your Catblog AND your Dogblog. Add to my catlinks :o)Muchas gracias y Feliz Navidad!

vfm4 and Catnap: Mlle Princesse is a real clown and doesn't even know!

neene a dit...

so so so love this

re: the garlic photo, i wrote something about that here
for me it's all about caring deeply about something