Voici un membre très actif de C.A.: Chats Anonymes...
This is a very active member of C.A.: Cats Anonymous...
Voici un blog dédié à tous nos amis à deux, quatre, six ou même huit pattes. Aux chiens et aux chats d'abord, mais aussi à tous les autres êtres vivants. Amusez-vous bien.
This blog is dedicated to all our 2, 4, 6 or even eight-legged friends. To cats and dogs first but also to all the other living creatures of this Earth. Have FUN.
13 commentaires:
LOL, what a great shot.
What is in that bag a furry creatures asks, hmmmmmm?
We are adding you to our blog roll!!
The Whippy Curly Tails in the Toasty South
Nothing in the bag... She's always doing this. Funny Catgirl!
What is it with the bag gig...silly furries.
Your posts are fun!
The Tart
A smooochmew just for you from Mademoiselle Princesse! And thanks for the nice comment!
i love this!
Ahhhhhhhhh! Prinsotte rides again...
THAT IS ME and I am far too attractive to put my head in a bag!
Anonymouse: Hellkat is sooooooo pretentious!Mpfffff.
Hi Merlin.
Your " pets collection" is very, very nice.This cat think that it's invisible ;-)
Do you would meet my pets? Visit:
and http://mymentalslavery.blogspot.com for watch my other photos.
I'll add a link to your blog.
Merry Xmas from Barcelona.
pd. I'm sorry my English is very bad.
great... :-)
this photo is PRICELESS.
laughing out loud!
Dibuixat: Good English. I love your Catblog AND your Dogblog. Add to my catlinks :o)Muchas gracias y Feliz Navidad!
vfm4 and Catnap: Mlle Princesse is a real clown and doesn't even know!
so so so love this
re: the garlic photo, i wrote something about that here
for me it's all about caring deeply about something
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