J'ai des centaines de photos de chats. Mais j'ai aussi beaucoup de dessins dans ma collection personnelle. Certains sont beaux, d'autres sont plutôt drôles. Et il y a aussi les petits dessins que je ne cesse de faire partout, au téléphone, sur des petits bouts de papier, dans les marges de mes cahiers de notes. Je demande souvent aussi aux gens que je connais de me dessiner un chat. Et je mets cette nouvelle acquisition dans ma collection. Au cours des prochaines semaines, je vous montrerai quelques unes de ces "oeuvres". Je vous montrerai aussi quelques chats dessinés par de grands artistes au cours de l'Histoire. J'espère que vous aimerez. Ne vous inquiétez pas. Il y aura toujours d'autres photos. Voici donc pour commencer, un dessin que j'ai fait dans les années quatre-vingts. Un peu sadique...
I have hundreds of cats pictures. I also have many drawings in my cat collection. Some are very nice, others are funny. And there are those small doodles I constantly draw everywhere, when I'm on the phone, on little pieces of paper or in the margins of my notebooks. I often ask the people I know to draw me a cat. And I put these new acquisitions in my cat collection. During the next weeks, I will show you some of those drawings. I will also show you some creations made by great artists that I love. I hope you will have fun. But I will Not stop showing you my animals'pics. And to begin, here is a drawing I made in the eighties. A bit sadistic...
I have hundreds of cats pictures. I also have many drawings in my cat collection. Some are very nice, others are funny. And there are those small doodles I constantly draw everywhere, when I'm on the phone, on little pieces of paper or in the margins of my notebooks. I often ask the people I know to draw me a cat. And I put these new acquisitions in my cat collection. During the next weeks, I will show you some of those drawings. I will also show you some creations made by great artists that I love. I hope you will have fun. But I will Not stop showing you my animals'pics. And to begin, here is a drawing I made in the eighties. A bit sadistic...
Comment uliliser un chat inutile. How to use a useless cat.
2 commentaires:
Inutile,... mais possédant un appendice queual étonnamment fort.
Dekeçé??? Appendice queual...Mpfff.
Sottises et balivernes...LOL ;O)
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