mardi, novembre 01, 2005


Il fallait s'y attendre, Merlin s'est enflé la tête... Il pense qu'il est le seul maître chez moi... Il a peut-être un peu raison....?
It was to expect. Merlin thinks he's now the KING of my home... MMM. Maybe he's a bit right?

9 commentaires:

Calvin a dit...

That is a great picture!

The Unknown a dit...

Well look at that face! I know royalty when I see it and being a king myself I owuld know. RROOWWW my slave is coming back. Quick act like there was some string on the keyboard. (Pepe)
meow love

The Unknown a dit...

Bah! Pepe wouldn't know royalty if it cleaned him with it's tounge. Now myself being the real king of the house. Would never wear anything as unmaly as a little hat. Unless there was matching shoes. PURRRRR... I hear a can opening gotta go. (Percy)
meow love

merlinprincesse a dit...

Calvin: Thanks again.
Pepe: You are cute! MWAHAHAHA
Percy: And what about the little scarf on your head, mmmmmm?

Mei Shile a dit...

Une belle grosse face de matou, je trouve. Le roi de la testostérone :-D!

HawkOwl a dit...

Hmm... I thought I submitted this but it's not showing, sorry if it appears twice... Just wanted to say, he kinda looks like Malcolm X come back as a cat!

merlinprincesse a dit...

Mei: C'est vrai qu'avant d'être opéré, c'était un super-matou!!!! Il a parfois encore certains comportements douteux...
Hawkowl:Malcom X??? LOL. An orange kind of Malcom...

WCTs a dit...

Such a sweetie! Meow!

Captain Eudoxia a dit...

My girls LOVED this picture.